Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Alexander Lin and I’m currently a college student, studying to be a computer science major.
Just another college student
Please enjoy your stay
Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Alexander Lin and I’m currently a college student, studying to be a computer science major.
My name is Alexander Lin, as you can probably tell by the website name. I’m currently a college student, majoring in computer science. I created this website to share my thoughts and my life with others.
I will update this section as my skillset improves.
As I am currently still a student in computer science, my skills in programming still have a lot of room for improvement. However, I am still versed in Java, as well as some Python and HTML. I am constantly looking to learn new things and acquire new skills as I continue along the journey of life.
So far, I have graduated high school. I also plan to graduate college with my bachelor’s degree in computer science; I will keep this page updated on my progress with that.
As for projects, I have a few small programming projects that I have been working on that I will share in my blog.
I can be reached at my LinkedIn.